Radical New Leadership for Success in Business

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Gitte Madelaire to provide another commentary in a series.

The Gitte Madelaire Commentaries


Welcome to the third article in the series “Be the Leader You Aspire to Be” here on The Price of Business Show, where I will focus on the trends which lie ahead of us and how they will affect humans and businesses. The articles are based on my book Energetic Leadership, which talks about 9 trends leaders must navigate to cater for employees increasing demand for more spiritual leadership and sustainable business models aligned with their life purposes. These articles are about business leadership in the new era. I hope you will find inspiration for your own leadership and the leader you aspire to be.

The first article outlined 9 trends for business leadership and focused on authentic curious as a key competency for leaders to master to navigate our endless crises. The second article explained the concept of energy frequencies as the source of our true potential.

In the third article we will look at our life purpose and the purpose of the company. The trend of focusing on purposes took off when Simon Sinek published his book START with WHY in 2011 and followed it up with FIND your WHY in 2017.

The underlying megatrend had been visible for a long time for those who were aware of it. It is the megatrend from industrial to planetary or spirituality – which is about our industrial era being replaced by a more holistic era. Another trend showing the need of clear purposes in our lives and at work is the trend from external to internal sustainability (first). We are finally beginning to realize that people must thrive to save the planet and its business.

In 2015 the World created the 17 (SDG) Sustainable Development Goals which has been implemented in public and commercial organizations around the world. In Europe even all the way down to financial reporting as a legal part of the financial report. It is named ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals and reporting.

So, as a global society we have organized all the external parameters and goals. But we did not look at the internal parameters and goals, meaning who are going to deliver and drive the change of becoming a sustainable world again. We did as could be expected and as we had been taught – we looked outside ourselves and started to fix the outside challenges first. But we forgot to start with what the true starting point is – ourselves and our desires.

What is a life purpose? It is an inner energy led life force. A soul-powered life purpose that if we follow our energy and what makes us happy in life and at work, will make us succeed better, than if we think that we can work it all out from our rational thinking mind.

We as a people are at a challenging but wonderful place in linear time where we finally are starting to understand that we must put ourselves first to thrive as humans with healthy lives. We cannot fix our growing emotional, social, physical, mental, and spiritual crisis and degenerative energy management by ignoring that we come first. We must start to become regenerative. We do that by putting ourselves first, being still and listen to what truly makes us thrive in how we design our lives and businesses. This inner work is beginning to take place and is increasing in strength with the younger generations, not only because they are younger but because they are much more consciously aware, and it collides with old leadership and business habits. We see it in employees resigning or silent quitting, in demands for more flexibility around where and how to work.

Humans and employees are now the disrupting factor and will have huge influence on all organizations and businesses when it comes to their purposes and the way they will be led.  For the first time in history organizations must align their purpose and strategy to match the life purposes of employees and the changing needs of customers. When humans change both employees and customer preferences change fast. By putting purpose at the core of the business all 3 bottom lines will see an impact. Like at Patagonia.

To be a successful workplace and business in the future, leaders must lead in a radical new way knowing their own life purpose and making sure that the purpose of the business fits both employees and customers.

I wish you all the best in finding your soul-powered purpose both as a human and organization.



Gitte Madelaire is an intuitive and visionary pioneer in leadership development. People, customers, business development, and futurism have always interested and motivated her. With a background in corporate business at companies such as Fona/HMW, Codan Insurance, Volvo Trucks and Ensure, she now inspires to new leadership through her book,” Energetic Leadership”, keynotes, facilitation and mentoring for leaders in her company Bronte ApS. Gitte holds a BSc in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA semester from the University of Victoria. She also has traditional leadership courses and certifications in intuitive and feminine future leadership, inner sustainability, and energy-based leadership. Gitte has lived in London, Sydney, and Kuala Lumpur and currently resides in Denmark.

Learn more at www.energeticleadership.eu.


Connect with Gitte Madelaire on social media:

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gittemadelaire/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gitte.madelaire/

X (formerly Twitter): https://x.com/GitteMadelaire


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